Popup Menus on Mouse Over

It is very simple to create a popup menu with AllWebMenus.

Set the <Positioning> property to "Manually Trigger Groups as popup menus" before you compile the menu and get the related "ID and Trigger Code" for your popup menu.

Non-popup menu Popup menu Popup menu using "sticky submenus"
   "I will open here"  "I will also open here"
This menu appears when the page loads. The popup menu will not appear unless you mouse over this link.

This popup menu disappears when you move the mouse in and out the menu.

Mouse over this link for the popup menu to appear.

This popup menu uses a feature, called "sticky submenus", which keeps the menu open even when you move the mouse out of it.

To make this menu disappear, you have to click somewhere on the page.

See also:
Popup Menus appearing on Mouse Right-Click
Hiding and showing different menus using code